Least to Greatest calculator
To order the numbers in descending or ascending order, put them in the least to greatest calculator.
Ordering Fractions
Least to greatest calculator aka ordering fraction calculator orders fractions, decimals, and numbers in both ascending and descending manners.
Ascending and descending orders
Ascending order means the arrangement of values from least to greatest.
Descending order means the arrangement of values from greatest to least.
How to order numbers from least to greatest?
To arrange number from least to greatest value aka ascending order, you have to
- Identify which value is the smallest and then write it in the first place.
- Recognize the second smallest value and write it next to the first value, separated by a comma.
- Similarly, write third-smallest, fourth-smallest, and so on.
Arrange the following fractions from least to greatest.
1/2, -3/4, -4/3,and 2/3
Step 1: Convert into decimals.
= 0.5, -0.75, -1.33, and 0.667
Step 2: Identify the smallest value.
= -1.33
Step 3: Similarly, Identify other values.
= -1.33, -0.75, 0.5, 0.667
How to order numbers from greatest to least?
To arrange number from greatest to least value aka descending order, you have to
- Identify which value is the greatest and then write it in the first place.
- Recognize the second greatest value and write it next to the first value, separated by a comma.
- Similarly, write third-greatest, fourth-greatest, and so on.
Arrange the following in descending order.
23, 676, 13, 87, and 99
Step 1: Identify the greatest value.
= 676
Step 2: Similarly, Identify other values.
= 676, 99, 87, 23, and 13