Body Mass Index Calculator (Pound , Inches)
Use This Calculator To Calculate The Fat Level of Your Body | |||||
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This section explains Body Mass Index Calculator
Body Mass Index is an important measure of the total amount of fat on the body. It measures the amount of body fat on an adult (man or women) based upon the parameters of weight and height.
It is simple to find out your BMI using the above BMI calculator by simply feeding in your weight and height and clicking the Calculate BMI button, which is directly linked to several life threatening diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.
Using the above Online BMI Calculator your can see which range of BMI you fall under and what it means from the point of view of your health outlook:
Health Outlook:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
Optimal weight: A BMI of 18.5 to 25 may indicate optimal weight.
Under weight: A BMI lower than 18.5 suggests the person is underweight
Over weight: A BMI above 25 may indicate the person is overweight.
Anorexia conditions: A BMI below 17.5 may indicate the person has anorexia (Eating disorder).
Obese Conditions: A number above 30 suggest the person is obese.
Morbidly obese conditions: BMI figures of over 40 indicate morbidly obese conditions.
The value of BMI for a given height is directly proportional to the weight. It means if a person’s height is increased by 10% then his BMI will also be increased by 10%.
Important points to be kept in mind:
It may over estimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build (simply for the reason that such individuals have more weight due to their muscular build). The BMI of older people may be underestimated, since they have lesser weight of muscles on their bodies. The chances of developing disease greatly fall even with a 10% drop in weight. BMI for men and BMI for women are calculated using the same BMI calculation. The BMI Calculator and associated index is also referred to as BMI Index Calculator, BMI Index, BMI Scale, Body Mass Index Calculator and BMI chart.
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