Measurement Unit : revolution/second

Revolution/second is a measurement unit for frequency. Its Symbol is and alternate name for this unit is Not Available. It is not the default SI Derived Unit of frequency category.

To convert revolution/second to hertz (SI Derived Unit) following formula will be used:

Hertz = 1/1 revolution/second

SI Derived Unit for frequency is hertz and scale factor of this measurement unit is 1. There are total 17 unit conversions for frequency measurement.

Other higher and lower units of Revolution/second are revolution/second

To find out conversion of hertz to other units, check this table

  • Unit Name : revolution/second
  • Symbol :
  • Plural Form : revolutions/second
  • Alternate Spelling :
  • Unit Type : frequency
  • Scale Factor : 1
  • SI Unit : hertz

    1 hertz = 1 revolution/second
  • UNIT Conversion :

    Convert revolution/second : to Go

Revolution/second Conversion Table:

Below is the table for conversion of Revolution/second to other Frequency Units

revolution/second Other Units Converter
1 revolution/second 1 cycle/second Revolution/second to Cycle/second
1 revolution/second 1295999.9999993 degree/hour Revolution/second to Degree/hour
1 revolution/second 21599.999999998 degree/minute Revolution/second to Degree/minute
1 revolution/second 359.99999999971 degree/second Revolution/second to Degree/second
1 revolution/second 1.0E-9 gigahertz Revolution/second to Gigahertz
1 revolution/second 1 hertz Revolution/second to Hertz
1 revolution/second 0.001 kilohertz Revolution/second to Kilohertz
1 revolution/second 1.0E-6 megahertz Revolution/second to Megahertz
1 revolution/second 1000 millihertz Revolution/second to Millihertz
1 revolution/second 22619.466999996 radian/hour Revolution/second to Radian/hour
1 revolution/second 376.99112000051 radian/minute Revolution/second to Radian/minute
1 revolution/second 6.2831852999904 radian/second Revolution/second to Radian/second
1 revolution/second 3599.9999999971 revolution/hour Revolution/second to Revolution/hour
1 revolution/second 59.99999999988 revolution/minute Revolution/second to Revolution/minute
1 revolution/second 59.99999999988 RPM Revolution/second to RPM
1 revolution/second 1.0E-12 terahertz Revolution/second to Terahertz