SI Unit - temperature

Temperature has 8 measurement units. The default SI Unit of temperature is Kelvin.

For Conversion table from Kelvin (SI Unit) to other units, Click Here.

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Temperature Units Conversion Table:

Conversion form Temperature SI Unit Kelvin to other measurement units

Kelvin 1.7999999999986 degree Fahrenheit
Kelvin -1.4999999999992 degree Delisle
Kelvin 1 degree Celsius
Kelvin 1.7999999999986 degree Rankine
Kelvin 0.33000000000033 degree newton
Kelvin 1 kelvin
Kelvin 0.52500000000053 degree Rømer
Kelvin 1.25 degree Réaumur

You can convert Kelvin to following measurement units using our unit conversion system.

  • degree Fahrenheit - Scale Factor as compare to kelvin is 0.555555555556
  • degree Delisle - Scale Factor as compare to kelvin is -0.666666666667
  • degree Celsius - Scale Factor as compare to kelvin is 1
  • degree Rankine - Scale Factor as compare to kelvin is 0.555555555556
  • degree newton - Scale Factor as compare to kelvin is 3.0303030303
  • kelvin - Scale Factor as compare to kelvin is 1
  • degree Rømer - Scale Factor as compare to kelvin is 1.90476190476
  • degree Réaumur - Scale Factor as compare to kelvin is 0.8